The art of shooting (right)

Marketers are investing more and more into social media, and so are companies. Good for them, I am sure it makes sense in their budget. So much that the not-so-honest ones get the best of lambda-consumers with multiple scams. Maybe it is related: paper flyers used to overload our mailboxes (you know, the one at our actual physical address), now we just get bombarded with the virtual ones, through that infamous / glamourous social media. Billboards are increasingly invading the peripheral vision of any innocent commuter (or simply the washrooms user in a bar): the static ones seem to be passé, and graphic designers are just having insane fun with digital blinking and flashy ones. Because, really, why not!

Do I sound annoyed and potentially old fashioned? I will give you the former, and welcome any debate on the latter one. I am happy to change anything to make it better, finer or more practical (“more cool” gets my vote too): I mean it, I am. I however acknowledge the respect I have for the misfits who dared new things, at the very beginning of things. Thankfully creation has no limit. Maybe I am just blind with the new era of creation.

I am honestly sad to report that the movie camera has officially died. It probably had to, at some point: just when younger rebels-turned-geniuses went on with anything digital nobody can longer ignore. Shooting a movie or an event gives the lens, and its operator, an irrefutable power to capture, share and translate a specific and unique moment. And that becomes a media tool as well. Fair enough, it is not necessarily the media itself that may convey disturbing ideas, it is its content. Disturbing bad, and disturbing good too: “The content is shaping our society, our brains, our lives and emotions”. In some cases, the media is both the message and the messenger: the pleasure of shooting gets exposed and measured by some. So what?

Relating on an event with a point-and-shoot camera or a smartphone is becoming typical, yet not professional. The nostalgic photo purists may change their mind with today’s new release from Canon: the EOS-1D X is pushing old boundaries, putting a grin on so many faces. Shining in High Definition’s heaven to some, this new camera is likely having the marketers’ hands full with new toys to sell even more. Logistically, competitor Nikon is struggling, after one of its main factories where its entry-level DX format SLR is produced has been flooded in Thailand. Ironically, we know that thanks to (social) media. Judiciously, this news does not circulate as much: the consumerist show must go on, regardless of what Mother Nature has decided. Success comes from a combination of hard work and luck: Canon might have been luckier on this one, and Nikon will have to work harder to catch up, and be smart around its media communication. Just to avoid shooting itself in the foot (or any tripod available).