Tag archive for planning - page 4

Playing cool

Playing cool

Working as part of a team can be tough, yes: composing with diversities of personalities while managing multiple projects at the same time can make some situations more delicate than others. And confrontation (ooh, strong and bad word) comes into play. Not fun, obviously. Mind…

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Got grit?

Got grit?

Grit? What grit? The type of sand the Scots used in Upper Canada to make mortar? Hailee Steinfeld’s or Kim Darby’s stubborn character in the Coen Brothers film? Maybe that is the courage one shows when facing difficulties. Or a bit of all of the…

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The essence of time

The essence of time

Welcome to the XXIst. century, where almost everything needs to be measured, counted for and tracked, as meticulously as possible. Did Abraham Maslow do our era a favour? What he defined as fundamental in life moved to the business section, and Time has fallen into one of the…

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