Daring souls

Lately, I have encountered and witnessed more and more daring souls across our little planet. Maybe I am just more open to consider their impact on (our) everyday life. Sure, I could speak of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria or Yemen, as democracy is soaring with fearless supporters. Such actions are encouraging, albeit the unknown number of victims who have fallen to defend what they believed in. I am thinking of all the adventurous minds who create their own music sheet, away from the eyes of the media (at least, at the beginning), and who change lives, usually for the better, one day at a time.

Through art, sport, community initiatives or time volunteering, the idea of jumping without any safety net or a project plan gets portrayed in so many inspiring ways, it sometimes becomes mind-blowing. Sure, some of these projects become political because, logically, they genuinely call for reactions, good or bad. These movements are part of the evolution, and creation holds an incredible place in how the world, and us, humble Humans, are growing.

I have met, and/or read about, passionate crusaders driven by the worst drug ever: adrenaline. It goes from civil protest to steps to a better life for children, or culinary improvisation: there is that flame in their eyes, burning passion of creating, composing with the environment, political, social, architectural or alimental.

The pixadores in Sao Paulo prefer to be hated rather than being ignored. Now that outdoor advertising has been bannedB16_-_Pic from the streets in the city, cryptic tags have invaded some neighbourhoods. Call it art, or a form of activism, the message is being seen, heard, and sometimes listened to. The challenge is, like in entrepreneurship, to be noticed. Mind you, being noticed does not necessarily mean to be identified: French artist Invader wants to keep it that way. He intentionally limits his communication to his art, or under a face mask. His marketing strategy is in opposition to Skateistan, an independent Afghan NGO working on education, and skateboarding, for the children of Kabul. This organisation will be presenting their latest movie at the Los Angeles Film Festival this week.

Making the choice to make a difference in one’s life, starting with our own, takes some strong intention. Leaving friends and family behind to live differently and follow one’s heart is one way of doing it: South African photographer Gerhard Engelbrecht now lives in Bali and shares his passion for his arts with local and international passersbys, surfers or not. Alain Robert, aka French Spiderman, keeps playing with sharp edges of building around the world.

Now, are these people crazy? I doubt it: Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Rosa Parks only listened to what they believed in, and subtly worked with, and around, others’ restrictions. And if they are, then so be it. I can only thank such people for continually inspiring me with giving Life a try, and a sense. An audacious one.

Image reblogged from Awesome people hanging out together